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8/3/2018 Insights

5 Ways High-Performance Organizations Make Meetings Effective

5 Ways High-Performance Organizations Make Meetings Effective
by J. Elise Keith

For many entrepreneurs, the decision to become a founder promises both a shot at realizing a dream and an escape from the frustrations of their old jobs. "In my company," they vow, "we’ll never waste time in pointless meetings."

Fast forward to employee 25, and their team is bogged down in pointless meetings. What’s worse is that scrappy entrepreneur is leading these meetings!

It’s said that eventually we all grow up and turn into our parents. As our businesses grow up, are we doomed to be just like the leaders from our past?

Unless you take firm control of how your company meets, yes. Here are five ways high-performing organizations avoid that fate:

1. Set clear expectations for all meetings.

Meeting norms, ground rules, guidelines — these set the foundation for building an effective meeting habit. They often include things like use of an agenda and keeping meetings on time.

Whatever your rules, the leadership team must follow them. The way the leadership group meets sets the real standard everyone else follows.

2. Document and share meeting results.

Fear of missing out (FOMO) compels people to attend meetings they shouldn't. Organizers don’t want to leave people out, so they invite everyone who might possibly want to weigh in. Having irrelevant people in the room de-energizes the conversation and disrupts productivity.

Documented meeting results are the fastest and easiest way to combat meeting FOMO. Before the meeting, document the meeting purpose and desired outcomes clearly.

Then, send out written meeting results afterwards. When people can see in advance what a meeting is for, then see afterwards what happened, they can decide whether they need to attend. This keeps meetings more focused, and it keeps everyone more productive.

Read full article on MultiBriefs.