

Date ArticleType
6/6/2018 Insights

2 Ways To Be Less Busy

2 Ways To Be Less Busy

by Catherine Iste

Busy is a four-letter word. It can be an excuse, "Sorry, I can't, I am too busy!" Or a justification, "He's so stressed because of how busy he is." Or even a cry for help, "I can't do anything joyful; I am just too busy."

However, tough it may seem, we can stop the busy cycle. Here are two simple steps to reduce distractions and be less busy.

Watch your mouth

Lisa Marraro Cole has spent more than 35 years in the healthcare industry. Her business, Re-Source, focuses on helping people live and die well via lifestyle change, health advocacy and end-of-life navigation.

As part of her work she must be fully present, focused and authentic with her clients. Operationally, she must be extremely organized, patient and efficient.

Like many of us, Lisa realized that running a successful business meant she would always have deadlines, meetings and an endless to do list. Instead of trying to change the essence of her business, she decided to change her perspective.

Her first step? Lisa stopped saying the word busy. She replaced it with: passionately pursuing; actively engaged; and enjoying.

Read full article on MultiBriefs.